Being Polite from Culture to Culture Most people want to be polite and การแปล - Being Polite from Culture to Culture Most people want to be polite and บาสก์ วิธีการพูด

Being Polite from Culture to Cultur

Being Polite from Culture to Culture

Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. Being polite means knowing how to greet and talk to people. It means using good manner when eating. It means knowing how to give and receive gifts appropriately. Polite behavior in one count, however, may be impolite in another part of the world. Travelers need to understand the culture differences in politeness so that they don’t cause embarrassment.
For instance, when people meet, they often shake hands. In the United State, people prefer to shake hands firmly for a few seconds. In some Middle Eastern countries, people hold the person’s hand gently for a longer time. Handshaking varies around the world.
Around the world cultures have different about giving gifts. In the United State, someone gives you a gift; you should open it while they are with you. That way they can see how happy you are to receive it. In China, you should open a gift after the person is gone.
Another cultural difference is time. In Germany, it is important to arrive on time. In Argentina, polite dinner guests usually come 30 -60 minutes after the time of the invitation. When travelling, remember that each country has a different definition of being on time.
If you are going to live, work, or study in another country, it is important to learn the language. But it is also important to learn about cultural differences. This way, you can be polite and make a good impression. People around you will fell comfortable respected. Politeness and good manners can be good for making friends, good for travelling, and good for business, too.

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ผลลัพธ์ (บาสก์) 1: [สำเนา]
Kultura kultura edukazioa Jende gehienak adeitsu izan eta ondo portatzen besteen inguruan nahi. Bitarteko adeitsu nola agurtu eta pertsona hitz jakitea izatea. Eraginkor Esan nahi Noiz jatearen erabiliz. Nola egokian Opariak eman eta jasotzeko jakitea esan nahi du. Aldaketa bat ere adeitsu portaera, ordea, munduko beste zati bat impolite izan daiteke. Travelers adeitasun hau ez dutela lotsa eragin kultura ezberdintasunak ulertu behar dut. Esate baterako, noiz bildu pertsona bat, astindu askotan eskuak. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan, pertsonen nahiago eskuak astindu sendo segundo batzuk. Ekialde Hurbileko zenbait herrialdeetan ere, pertsona eutsi eskua poliki-poliki denbora luzeagoa. Handshaking munduan zehar aldatu egiten da. Kulturen Munduan zehar Opariak ematea buruz ezberdinak dituzte. United Estatuan, norbaitek opari bat ematen dizu; Beharko du, produkzio-etxea eduki itzazu irekitzean. Horrela ikusi ahal izango dute nola zoriontsu zara jasotzeko. Txinan, opari ez luke bat ireki eta gero pertsona desagertuko da. kultur Diferentzia Another aldia da. Alemanian, Garrantzitsua da garaiz iritsiko. Argentinan, adeitsu afaria gonbidatuak normalean etortzen 30 -60 minutu zabaldu garai ostean. Bidaiatzea, gogoan zaldi herrialde horretan despoliation denbora desberdin definizio bat atseden. ari zara, bizitzeko, lan egiteko, edo beste herrialde batean ikasten baduzu, garrantzitsua da hizkuntza ikasteko. Baina, era berean Garrantzitsua zuzenduko da kultur ezberdintasunak buruz ikasi. Horrela, adeitsu izan daiteke, eta egin-a zaren inpresioa ona. Zure inguruan jendeak traizioa eroso Bihar errespetatu. Adeitasun eta ohitura onak nik lagun egitea, ona bidaiatzea ona da, eta ona Business izan daiteke, gehiegi.

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